Thursday, January 2, 2014

Merinews : Top 10 sexist languages that are anti-male in nature

Top 10 sexist languages that are anti-male in nature

Top 10 sexist languages that are anti-male in nature                02 January, 2014

Often we have heard about sexism in media and all of the sexism that we hear in media is one-sided; sexist language affecting women adversely. Till date we haven’t heard of sexist language that affects men adversely.
Yes, because we do have many such instances wherein sexist anti-male language has been uttered, propagated and accepted socially as well.
No, because mainstream media and society does not consider such language to be sexist. So, what is missing is the recognition of such anti-male language and the content as “being sexist”.
However, that does not change the fact that it is sexist and it also does not change the fact that it does hurt men. It’s just that inherently the society, including men, carries so much of internal bias against men that the need to call such a language sexist is not deeply felt.
And, by not challenging such sexist anti-male languages we are doing institutionalized disservice to men as a gender and as a clan and any society that speaks so much of gender equality, just cannot ignore such challenges.
Let us have a look at 10 such instances of language that is deeply sexist in nature and hurts men to the core, being anti-male in nature.
It is sexist,

1.    Calling a man loser: Often, we see incidences of men being called losers when they face adverse situation which is perceived as the man not being able to be a “real man”
or “man enough”. It is often used to provoke a man into doing something uncomfortable just to prove his “manhood”.

2.    Calling men as chauvinists: Often, when men try to put their point across, they are accused of being chauvinistic and it is an attempt to the silent the man so that he submits himself to feminist dogma.

3.    Chiding men with names: Men are chided with names like “biwi ka gulam” (slave of wife), “maa ka laadla” (mama’s boy), “nikamma” (useless fellow) etc., again in order to push them to extremes so that they keep working for people around them, often at the cost of their own likes and interests.

4.    Calling a man impotent: Often women tend to call their men as impotent, if they are not in the mood, neglecting the fact that he may be tired too. Ironically, society welcomes such behavior and joins hands in forcing the man to appease the woman disrespecting his personal space.

5.    Calling a man ‘commitment phobic’: When men aren’t comfortable in a relationship and want to discontinue it, they are called commitment phobic. This is again done to force the man to surrender his choice and bow down before the choice of the woman.

6.    Calling a man dominating: High performing men are often called dominating, when they are just assertive of their opinions arising out of their skills, expertise and confidence.

7.    Calling a man egoistic: Men are denied personal communicational space in the society and are often called egoistic while they are just bothered about others and want to solve their issues on their own, without discussing them.

8.    Calling a man insensitive: Men are often forced to apologize even without mistakes merely because women can’t take their comments in the right spirit and if a man takes a stand for himself and refuses to apologize, he is called insensitive.

9.    Calling a man misogynist: Men, whose opinions about women do not match with populist media opinions, are tagged off as misogynists and their voices are silenced. This is an attack on the right to free speech to a man.

10.  Calling a man lazy: Men are discouraged from cherishing their personal space by being named as a lazy fellow. Such socially validated language forces them to live a life on the edge and be on the run always, like a rat race, leading to severe health risks in men like increased blood pressure, increase cholesterol, high amount of stress, high rate of suicides, lower life expectancy, vulnerability to heart attacks, cardiac arrests, etc.

These 10 instances of sexist anti-male language are just the tip of the iceberg. These are the ones most commonly used to shame men, forcing them to adapt to ant-male social standards and throttle their own freedom of choices and choice of freedom. There are many more instances of anti-male language which are being propagated by the media and aren’t considered to be sexist.

Any language that penalizes a man because he is a man is sexist in nature and it is incumbently prerogative upon any sane society to disdain, condemn and eradicate such language.
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