Merinews Capt Sharma 17 December, 2013
A Voice of Sanity is resounding and downs the din of shrill noises of perpetual 'Wolf', where there is none. A man's first relation is with a woman who caries him for 9 months, cares for him, makes him learn how to walk- 'a mother', then there are sisters around, whose presence teaches him his duties towards protecting his sisters courtesy yearly 'Rakhi'. Regrettably, this man is made to cut-off his relationship with his mother, the day he gets married, a part of him dies, he is rendered rootless, mostly the man agrees thinking, that come what may, my mother is going to remain my mother, let me try to accommodate the desire of my spouse. Thereafter, the man is under the perpetual test of
"How much more you can sacrifice for my happiness."
"How much more you can sacrifice for my happiness."
I have come across marriages falling apart after even 20 years because there comes a time, when man can take no more pressure. One may read the interview of husband of Ms Kiran Bedi to draw a conclusion. The woman Biased Laws which label a man as Criminal in eyes of law, just because he was born as a man, is dividing the society, overnight engineers, doctors become criminals and have to share cold floor along with murderers and rapists in Jails. Dr Helen Smith is a Forensic Psychologist who has authored "Men on Strike". She speaks the truth. American Men have gone on strike from marriage. And they have a good reason. And soon it shall happen in India too, may be that is what the Government of the day wants, which was so vociferously attacking SC Judgment against Gay Laws.
The sponsoring thought behind enacting of such women biased laws is to turn this country into a country of 'Gays and Lesbians' as a solution to all the problems of society...more population..more mouths to feed..less per capita rocketing inflation..What a joke!!! Over Eons....Men have fought to protect the honour of their women. ... a sad commentary on state of affairs. New IrBM law will empower wives to such an extent that they will start having their way in complete defiance of family norms. "Be a silent spectator to my affairs, otherwise firstly I will send you behind bars by just writing '5' lines of dowry harassment. Secondly I will walk away with all your property including your ancestral property and defame your family name too. Within '5' years of IrBM you can see that Indian Culture would have been shredded for the sake of western culture. The western countries are afraid of highest number of English speaking Indian youths in the World....of whose origins 1% population is contributing 9% of engineers and doctors in American Society. Only way the progress of such a nation can be thwarted is by striking at its root of strength i.e. "Family System" . The requests, protests against such a law have been put into dustbin. Not even God can save this country's downfall now.
Those of you who have chosen to keep quite against making IrBM a Law, thinking that you are a goody goody soul and no soul will ever harm you. I hope you remain protected, but I have doubts, serious doubts.
Link: Beware of making IrBM a law !!
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