Friday, February 28, 2014

Number of battered husbands in Jabalpur on the rise

Only girl can decide nature of touch: HC

MUMBAI: The intention of an accused in amolestation case could be gauged only after hearing the victim's version, said the Bombay high court, declining relief to the owner of a popular chain of coaching classes in the city. 

A division bench of Justice Naresh Patil and Justice V L Achliya was on Thursday hearing a petition by Machindra Chate of Chate Coaching Classes, urging the court to quash an FIR lodged against him by a student. A chargesheet has also been filed under Section 354 (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty) of the IPC. 

The incident took place on January 30, 2013, when HSC students and their parents met him at his Dadar office to complain about the teaching at his classes. According to the complaint, when a student asked him to take responsibility, he allegedly abused her and pushed her away in "such a way that made her feel ashamed". 

Chate's advocate K Holambe-Patil argued that the parents had assaulted him following which, he lodged a complaint; it was at that time that Chate learnt that a student had also lodged a complaint against him. 

"It was a scuffle, where was the intent to molest her?" Holambe-Patil demanded. But refusing to be convinced by the argument, the judges questioned how the HC could give a verdict that there was no intention to outrage the student's modesty. 
Only girl can decide nature of touch: HC
The intention of an accused in a molestation case could be gauged only after hearing the victim's version, said the Bombay high court.

"Even if you keep your hand on the shoulder of a woman, it is for the lady to comment on the nature of the touch, whether it was friendly, brotherly or fatherly," said Justice Patil. 

The judges also referred to the Rupan Deol Bajaj vs KPS Gill case where the IPS officer was in trouble for his "pat on Bajaj's back". "To say there was no intention is not possible. Her deposition is required. If the girl says there was a misunderstanding, then the situation would be entirely different. Let the girl say why she felt shameful of the act," said Justice Patil. 

The judges pointed out that even with the law being amended there was a debate over the recording of a victim's statements as minute details were asked. "That is the reason why victims in many incidents refuse to come forward," said Justice Patil. Indicating that they would reject Chate's plea, the judges said he could file an application for getting discharged in the case before the trial court. 

Holambe-Patil said its hearing might take time and that since Chate would be "contesting the elections, his opponents would use this case for adverse campaigning". But he agreed to withdraw the petition with the judges directing the lower court to expeditiously hear his discharge plea.

पहचानें, कहीं वो आपको धोखा तो नहीं दे रही!

विश्वास ना बन जाए धोखे का कारण

कई बार आप अपने पार्टनर पर बहुत भरोसा करते हैं और आपको विश्वास होता है कि वो आपके साथ कुछ गलत नहीं कर सकता। लेकिन कई केसों में ऐसा भी हुअ है अंधविश्वास करने के कारण आपके पार्टनर ने आपको धोखा दिया है।

कहीं आपके साथ भी ऐसा ना हो जाए। आइए जानें, कैसे पहचानें वो धोखा दे रही है या नहीं।
of 7

बात-बात पर फोन लेकर बाहर जाती है

यदि आपकी पार्टनर आपसे बातें छुपाने लगी है और कोई भी फोन आते ही तुरंत रूम से बाहर चली जाती है। वो नहीं चाहती कि आप उसकी बात सुनें या ये जानें कि वे किससे बात कर रही है। यदि ऐसा है तो संभव है ‌कि वो आपको कभी भी छोड़ सकती है।

आपकी बातों का जवाब नहीं देती

आपकी पार्टनर अक्सर आपकी बातों को कोई महत्व नहीं देती। या फिर आप उन्हें फोन/मैसेज करते हैं लेकिन वे उसका जवाब नहीं देती। उन्हें इस बात का कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि आपने मैसेज किया था। वे अक्सर व्यस्त रहने की बात करते हैं। तो आपको अब एलर्ट होने की जरूरत है।

अक्सर होने लगा है झगड़ा

जो बातें आप दोनों के लिए मायने नहीं रखती थी अब उन्हें आपकी वो बातें अच्छी नहीं लगती। वो बिना बात के छोटी-छोटी बात पर झगड़ा करती है। आपको ऐसी बातें बोल जाती है जो आपको दुखी कर सकती हैं। लेकिन उन्हें फर्क नहीं पड़ता। ऐसे में हो सकता है कि वे किसी और की तरफ आकर्षित हो या वो आपको धोखा दे रही हो।

आपने जब पकड़ा उनका झूठ

आप कई बार उनका झूठ पकड़ चुके हैं। वे अक्सर आपसे झूठ बोलने लगी है और पकड़े जाने पर कोई भी बहाना बना देती है तो हो सकता है कि अब वो आपको अपने बारे में कुछ भी पता लगने नहीं देना चाहती। 

व्यवहार बदल गया है

वे आपसे कभी ऊंची आवाज में बात नहीं करती थी लेकिन अब बात-बात पर आप पर चिल्लाती है। अपने फ्रेंड्स के सामने आपकी खिल्ली उड़ाती है। तो आपको समझ जाना चाहिए कि वो आपसे पीछा छुड़ाना चाहती है। 

ज्यादा सजने-संवरने लगी है

अचानक आपकी पार्टनर अपने आपको लेकर सजग हो गई है। वो नई-नई ड्रेसेज खरीदने लगी है। सज-संवरकर रहती है। अपने लुक्स को लेकर बहुत कॉन्शियस हो गई है। वो हमेशा अच्छा दिखने की कोशिश करने लगी है। तो संभव है कि वो किसी और को आकर्षित करना चाहती है।

HC rap on failure to appoint protection officers under DV Act | Business Standard

The  government today faced flak from the Bombay High  for failing to implement orders passed by the court since 2010 regarding appointment of protection officers for each taluka as provided under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act. 

A division bench of Justices S J Vazifdar and B P Colabawala has now given the High Power Committee of the government's Women and Child Welfare department a week's time to clear the proposal and forward it to the finance department. 

The finance department shall then process and clear the proposal within a week thereafter, the court ordered. 

"This is the last time we are requesting the government to implement orders passed by this court since 2010. The next time, we will get serious. By now the whole process should have been completed. This is not correct. The next time we will take some unpleasant steps against the secretaries of the concerned departments," the bench warned. 

As per the proposal, 2164 protection officers would be appointed across talukas in the state. Under the DV Act, a protection officer shall conduct inquiry into allegations of domestic violence and arrange for meetings if needed between the disputing parties. 

"By end of next week, we want the committee to clear the proposal and send it to the finance department. It appears that the finance department had taken certain objections earlier. We direct the finance department to process the proposal and consider it to the extent it deems fit," the court said. 

The court will hear the petition on March 7 for compliance.

HC rap on failure to appoint protection officers under DV Act | Business Standard

भारत में मर्द होना भी आसान नहीं

नवभारत टाइम्स | Feb 28, 2014, 01.00AM IST

पिया हायकिला
हाल ही में मेरे मूल देश फिनलैंड से एक दोस्त ने फोन किया, 'तुम उस खौफनाक जगह पर रह कैसे सकती हो जहां हमेशा महिलाओं के साथ रेप होता रहता है?' उसका मतलब डेनमार्क की एक महिला के साथ दिल्ली में- जिसे मैं अपना घर कहती हूं- हुए गैंग रेप से था। स्वाभाविक रूप से, मैंने अपने शहर का बचाव किया- 'बात बस इतनी सी है कि पहले के मुकाबले अब रेप की खबरें ज्यादा आ रही हैं। इस देश में 65 करोड़ से ज्यादा मर्द हैं और वे सब के सब रेपिस्ट नहीं हैं।' वह सहमत नहीं थी- 'अरे, लेकिन उन्होंने सामूहिक बलात्कार किया, एकसाथ। ऐसा कैसे हो सकता है? फिनलैंड में तो ऐसा नहीं होता।'
ग्रुप रेप कैसे?
मैं यह समझ ही नहीं पाती कि आखिर यह कैसे मुमकिन है कि एक आदमी खड़ा देखता रहे और दूसरा उसके सामने किसी तीसरे को तकलीफ देता रहे? लोग अगर मिलकर कुछ करते हैं तो वह कोई ऐसा काम होना चाहिए, जिसमें टीम स्पिरिट हो। गैंग रेप कोई गेम या स्पोर्ट नहीं है। यह मर्दों को पाशविक, परपीड़क भावनाओं से जोड़ने वाली गतिविधि है। लेकिन, क्या स्त्रियों के खिलाफ की जाने वाली यह क्रूरता केवल भारत तक सीमित है? महिलाओं के खिलाफ हिंसा हर देश में है। यह गैर-पश्चिमी देशों तक सीमित नहीं है। अगर कहा जाए कि ऐसा सिर्फ विकासशील देशों में होता है, तो भी भारत को लेकर मेरी दोस्त के मन में बनी पिछड़े और बर्बर देश की छवि मजबूत होती है, जो सच नहीं है।

बावजूद इसके, मेरा दत्तक देश सवालों से नहीं बच सकता। दिल्ली में महिलाओं के खिलाफ हिंसा एक आम बात है। सड़कों पर, सार्वजनिक स्थानों पर, घरों के बंद दरवाजों के पीछे। लेकिन मुझे सबसे ज्यादा एतराज है कंधे उचका देने वाली प्रवृत्ति पर। यानी इन चीजों को लेकर जो एक तरह की व्यापक स्वीकार्यता दिखती है, उस पर। खासकर उन लोगों के बीच फैली स्वीकार्यता पर, जिनके हाथों में बदलाव लाने की ताकत है। उदाहरण के लिए महाराष्ट्र महिला आयोग की सदस्य आशा मिरगे ने कहा,'रेप होने की वजह महिलाओं के कपड़े, उनका व्यवहार और उनका अनुपयुक्त जगहों पर जाना भी है।' इन जैसे लोगों की वजह से ही यहां महिलाएं सताए जाने को अभिशप्त हैं, और कोई भी खुलकर नहीं कहता कि यह गलत है।

हम विदेशी जानते हैं कि बहुत से भारतीय मां-बाप बेटियों से ज्यादा अहमियत बेटों को देते हैं। हमने उन पतियों के बारे में भी सुना है जो अपनी पत्नी को पीटते हैं। हम लोगों को यह शिकायत करते सुनते हैं कि बेटों के मुकाबले बेटियों को पालना कितना मुश्किल है। लेकिन, आज के भारत में मर्द होना भी आसान नहीं है। इसके लिए आपको अमीर, कामयाब और बेडरूम में बांका जवान होना पड़ेगा। तो रेप के लिए आखिर किसे कसूरवार माना जाए? जानकार बताते हैं कि भारत में हिंसा एक बड़े सामाजिक-राजनीतिक संकट का संकेत है। यहां मर्दों को अपनी मर्दानगी खोने का डर सताने लगा है। उनकी दलील है कि रेप की बढ़ती घटनाओं को वैश्वीकरण और हिंदुस्तानी महिलाओं की बढ़ी हुई आर्थिक आजादी के संदर्भ से काटकर नहीं देखा जाना चाहिए। मर्द अब न तो दफ्तरों में अपना दबदबा कायम रख पा रहे हैं, न घर में, और न सार्वजनिक स्थानों पर। इससे उनमें बेचैनी है।

इसके साथ ही इंटरनेट ने पॉर्न को हिंदुस्तानी मर्दों के मोबाइल तक ला दिया है। संदेश यह कि औरतों के साथ आप जो करना चाहें, कर सकते हैं। सेक्सुअलिटी हर तरफ इतराती दिखती है। उभरी छातियां होर्डिंगों से आपको घूरती रहती हैं। सेक्सी विज्ञापन अखबारों से उछल कर सामने आ जाते हैं। मर्द उलझन में हैं। समाज उन्हें नहीं बता पा रहा कि उनका स्थान वास्तव में कहां है। पारंपरिक हदें आधुनिक सीमाओं के साथ घुल-मिल गई हैं। ऐसे में मर्दानगी जताना और भी मुश्किल हो जाता है। समस्या यह नहीं है कि दिल्ली या कोई भी हिंदुस्तानी शहर कितना सुरक्षित है। बात यह है कि इस समाज में- हमारे समाज में- बदलाव कैसे लाया जाए। एक संवेदनशील इंसान के तौर पर बेवकूफाना हिंसा की घटनाओं पर हमारा गुस्से में आ जाना स्वाभाविक है। लेकिन हमें गहराई में जाकर इनके कारणों की तलाश करनी चाहिए। हमें महिलाओं के खिलाफ हिंसा की स्वीकार्यता को खारिज करना चाहिए और इसके प्रति जीरो-टॉलरेंस की संस्कृति विकसित करनी चाहिए। हमें सत्तासीन लोगों पर लगातार यह दबाव बनाना चाहिए कि वे डराने-धमकाने की इस संस्कृति को किसी भी कीमत पर बदलने का प्रयास करें।

बेटा-बेटी एक समान
मिरगे या उन जैसों को छोड़िए। कोई भी महिला उनसे बेहतर काम कर सकती है। खासकर मांएं। उन्हें चाहिए कि वे अपने बेटों को सिखाएं कि किसी भी लड़की को मारना, गलत इरादे से छूना और घूरना अच्छी बात नहीं है। उन्हें कहना चाहिए कि 'लड़का और लड़की, दोनों एक समान हैं, दोनों में से कोई भी एक दूसरे से अच्छा या बुरा नहीं है।' सबसे बड़ी बात, मांएं अपने बेटों को यह सिखाएं कि वे औरतों को भी इंसान समझकर उनकी इज्जत करें।
(लेखिका फिनलैंड मूल की पत्रकार हैं और बेस्टसेलर नॉवेल 'ऑपरेशन लिपस्टिक' के लिए चर्चा में हैं)

Woman alleges rape by 'already-married' NRI husband - Hindustan Times

HT Correspondent, Hindustan Times  Panchkula, February 28, 2014

The police here on Thursday registered a rape case on the complaint of a resident of Sector 21 against her Mexico-based NRI husband, who had even hidden from her that he was already married.

Besides the husband, Rakesh Lohan, with whom the woman got married on December 31, 2010, his eight family members have been booked along with him on charges of dowry harassment too.
The woman's complaint details that after staying with her for a few days after marriage, Lojan went to Mexico and demanded `15 lakh as dowry when she asked him to take her along. As she refused to get the money, she was allegedly beaten up and her in-laws harassed her over the dowry.

He returned from Mexico on February 2, 2012, stayed with her and went back on March 10, 2012. Next, he returned to India on November 29, 2012, and the woman's family finally gave `10 lakh as dowry to him on January 1, 2013. The woman submitted that her parents told her in-laws that the remaining `5 lakh would be given soon.
On February 6, 2013, Rakesh again left for Mexico with the promise that he would call her there.
On March 26, 2013, as the victim had applied for a visa to Mexico, she got to know from the embassy that her husband was already married to a woman named Andrea Sandra.

The police have now registered the rape case against her husband and also another case for asking dowry against nine people in all - the woman's husband, father-in-law Ram Kumar Lohan, mother-in-law Meena Devi, brother-in-law Rajesh and his wife Rupali, sister-in-law Poonam and her husband Dr Jai Kumar (posted at civil hospital, Jind), and another sister-in-law Suman and her husband Sampooran.
Sampooran is posted as sub-divisional officer (SDO) in a telephone exchange at Narwana.

Woman alleges rape by 'already-married' NRI husband - Hindustan Times

High Court allows petition against lower court order | The Indian Express

Press Trust of India | Madurai | February 28, 2014 3:10 pm
Justice Aruna Jagadeesan allowed appeal against the lower court order while hearing a dowry harassment case.
The Madras High Court Bench here on Friday allowed appeal against a lower court order of conviction and 10-year rigorous imprisonment imposed on a man, his father and mother in a dowry death case.
The prosecution booked the case after the man’s wife was found dead hanging in Chathirapatti in Dindigul district in April 2003 and charged that the trio had harassed her for dowry.
Allowing their appeal, Justice Aruna Jagadeesan held that there was no material evidence to prove that the woman had died due to dowry harassment.
However, there were evidences to prove that she was unhappy as the marriage was forced upon her, the judge said.
The Revenue Divisional Officer had deposed before the lower court that the prime reason for the suicide was the forced marriage and the alleged ill-treatment by her in-laws.
The Judge said the case lacked essential requirement that the woman was subjected to cruelty or harassment causing her to commit suicide and allowed their appeal against the lower court order.

High Court allows petition against lower court order | The Indian Express

Estranged couple spends Rs 9 cr on divorce, with proceedings yet to begin

Bhopal’s wackiest reasons for divorce

,TNN | Feb 28, 2014, 12.00 AM IST

If you think reasons for divorce have to be serious, like infidelity or incompatibility, think again. Bhopal couples are divorcing over food habits and snoring too!
Bhopal’s wackiest reasons for divorce
Bhopal’s wackiest reasons for divorce (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images)
Recently, a woman in Kuwait filed for divorce from her husband because he insisted on 'squeezing the toothpaste tube from the middle'. Well, this is not a one-off case. Closer home, Bhopal's lawyers and relationship counsellors say they have to deal with many bizarre reasons that couples bring for getting a divorce. From 'she doesn't cook non-veg food for me' to 'he doesn't let me eat pani-puri' - Bhopal's lawyers say that the tolerance level of couples has turned so low that they are parting ways over the silliest of reasons. We spoke to the city's lawyers who narrated some of the most absurd reasons stated by couples for a divorce.

I don't like you any more, you've turned fat
Rita Tuli, senior counsellor, Mahila Thana, says, "Couples these days have zero tolerance level. There was a case where the husband wanted to divorce his wife because she had gained weight after marriage. He stated that, 'ab mujhe meri wife achhi nahi lagti, woh moti ho gayi hai'. We tried to counsel him, but the man was not ready to listen. In another such case, which is still under counselling, a man wants a divorce from his wife because apparently the wife keeps going to her parents' home."

You don't let me eat pani puri, I want a divorce
Rita shares another such case. "There was a newly-married girl, hardly 22 or 23, and she wanted a divorce because her husband didn't let her eat pani-puri and chaat. We were amazed to hear this. The husband was a few years elder to her and was of the opinion that street food was unhealthy. But such issues can be easily sorted out, instead of rushing to file for a divorce. Ina similar case, a girl wanted to end her marriage because her husband wouldn't watch films with her. She was a movie buff and he wasn't interested in films at all," she adds. 

I can't tolerate your loud snores
Vijay Kumar Sharma, an advocate, recalls, "There was a case, where the wife wanted a divorce because she was irritated by her husband's snoring. She was like, 'I also have to go to work and because of his loud snores I'm not able to sleep properly and feel groggy in office all day'. In another such case, a wife wanted divorce because her husband wouldn't let her shop. She complained. 'mujhe kahin shopping karaane nahi le jaate hain aur apni pasand se kuch bhi le aatey hain. I don't want to stay with this man. He doesn't care about my likes and dislikes and is dominating'."

Lawyers say that such frivolous cases are generally rejected by the court unless they are mutually filed. "Such cases are usually rejected by the court because they don't make grounds for divorce. A court usually sends the couples for counselling. Such a case is processed only when both husband and wife file for mutual divorce," Vijay explains.

You don't have time for our honeymoon?
Next time you make a promise to your wife, make sure you fulfill it. Says Pratibha Asthana, another lawyer in the city, "A wife had filed for divorce because her husband dropped theirhoneymoon plan to Singapore. The guy's father was not well and the man had cancelled his honeymoon trip to tend to his ailing father. The woman got so disappointed, and she further announced that she doesn't want to live with a man who is not capable of keeping his promise. Things get crazy sometimes."

I can't cook non-veg food for you, we should part ways
Similar food choices can help you gel with your partner, and dissimilar ones can land you a divorce notice! Recalls Narendra Chorasia, a lawyer, "Reasons for getting a divorce have become sillier than ever. It's surprising how people are ready to end their relationship over the minutest of issues. There was a couple who wanted a divorce because the lady refused to cook non-veg food for her husband. They had had a love marriage, but belonged to different castes and the girl was a vegetarian. He was annoyed with her that she didn't cook the food of his choice, and she was fed up of his everyday pestering to cook non-veg food."

You cannot use the car that my father gifted
Tribhuvan Sharma, another lawyer, adds, "A couple filed a mutual divorce case on what can be termed as an ego clash. Both husband and wife were working and both had separate cars. The lady had a car that was gifted by her father. She didn't let her husband use that car aur issi baat pe jhhagde shuru ho gaye. I tried counselling them, but it was of no use. As if both of them had vowed to get divorced, they didn't want to listen to anyone. Sometimes, there are serious issues also, which the couples don't want to bring to light. So, they start giving silly reasons to get rid of each other."

Man acquitted in attempt to rape case | Business Standard

Press Trust of India  |  New Delhi  
 Last Updated at 18:15 IST

A man accused of trying to rape a woman has been acquitted by a   after prosecution witnesses, including the woman's husband, admitted that she had lodged a false case.

The court let off the Delhi resident relying on the testimony of the tenants who were also sleeping on the same rooftop on the day when the alleged offence was committed, saying "no incident of attempt to rape had taken place". 

"The deposition of both the prosecutrix as well as PW-9 (prosecution witness-9 is brother-in- of the victim) does not seem to be genuine or trustworthy. DW-2 (defence witness-2 is tenant) has deposed that PW-9 was having illicit relations with the prosecutrix. 

"Even the prosecutrix's husband (PW-2) too has admitted in his cross examination that his wife was having an illicit relationship with his cousin (PW-9) and that his wife has lodged a false complaint against the man at the instance of PW-9," Additional Sessions judge Virender Bhat said. 

The court further said, "Own witness of the prosecution, who is none other than the husband of the victim, says that the victim has lodged a false complaint against the accused." 

The man was arrested by police on a complaint lodged by the woman, who had alleged that she was raped by him on the intervening night of April 19-20, 2013 while she was sleeping on the rooftop of the building where the accused also lives as tenant. 

However, the accused refuted the woman's claim and said that she in connivance with her brother-in-law had lodged a false case as they had a quarrel over Rs 500 lent to her. 

"Naturally, the tenant sleeping nearest to her would have been the first person to have risen up on hearing her cries. However, none of those tenants have been produced as witness by the prosecution. They were the very material witnesses for the prosecution and their deposition was very vital," the court said, adding that on account of non-examination of these material witnesses, adverse inference has to be taken against the prosecution.

Man acquitted in attempt to rape case | Business Standard

Man kills mother to get wife back

Thursday, February 27, 2014

'Second wife plotted realtor's murder for share in property'

Bangalore, Feb 26, 2014, DHNS:

The estranged second wife of a real estate businessman, with the help of her brother and his associate, “plotted” the abduction and murder of her husband in Kamakshipalya, police said. 

The victim, Krishnappa, 28, was abducted by a gang on Tuesday. His car was traced to Kumbalgodu and his body was found in a drain in Kanva Layout, Sunnaghatta village, Channapatna on Wednesday. 

The body was spotted by some residents who then alerted the Channapatna Rural police. Once the victim’s identity was established, the Channapatna Rural police informed their counterparts at the Jnanabharathi police station. The victim’s first wife later confirmed his identity. 

Police suspect that Krishnappa’s second wife Vrinda, along with her brother and his associate, “conspired” to abduct and murder him after he refused to give her share in his property and even threatened to divorce her. 

Vrinda’s brother and his associate have been arrested but she is at large, police said. Krishnappa had married Vrinda, a widow, shortly after she came to work in the accounts section in his office. He also divorced his first wife. Vrinda allegedly began “blackmailing” him and had been demanding a share in his property for the last few days, police said. Things came a to head when her relatives also began threatening him. 

But a defiant Krishnappa refused to share any of his properties with Vrinda and even decided to divorce her. At the same time, he began spending more time with his children from first wife. 
He even sought to patch things up with her. This infuriated Vrinda. She and her relatives then “plotted” to murder him for a share in his property, police stressed. 

DCP (West) Labhu Ram said efforts were on to arrest Vrinda whose mobile phone had been switched off. 

महिलाओं के अत्याचार से बचाओ, 'पुरुष आयोग' बनाओ !

नई दिल्ली: तेजी से हो रहे सामाजिक बदलाव के इस दौर में अब पुरुष भी खुद को 'अबला' और 'असुरक्षित' महसूस कर रहे हैं. 50 स्वयंसेवी संस्थाओँ के एक समूह ने 'महिला आयोग' के जवाब में अब 'पुरुष आयोग' और पुरुष मंत्रालय बनाने की मांग उठाई है.

पति-परिवार कल्याण समिति व 50 स्वयंसेवी संस्थाओं का समूह 'नेशनल कोलिशन ऑफ मेन' (एनसीएम) संस्था ने अपना 'चुनाव घोषणा पत्र' जारी करते हुए तेजी से बदल रहे सामाजिक-आर्थिक परिदृश्य में पुरुषों को अत्याचार से बचाने की जरूरत बताई है.

एनसीएम ने पुरुष मंत्रालय और पुरुष आयोग बनाए जाने के साथ पुरुषों को आत्महत्या के लिए प्रेरित करने वालों के खिलाफ सख्त कार्रवाई के लिए टास्‍कफोर्स का गठन किए जाने के लिए आवाज उठाई है.

एनसीएम समिति की अध्यक्ष इन्दु सुभाष ने लखनऊ में कहा कि सरकार आए दिन महिलाओं की सुरक्षा के लिए कानून बना रही है, लेकिन पुरुषों के लिए कोई कानून नहीं बनाया जा रहा है. लिंगभेद आधारित कानून बनाकर पुरुषों का उत्पीड़न किया जा रहा है.

उन्होंने कहा कि नारी सशक्तिकरण के युग में पुरुषों के अधिकारों को अनदेखा किया जा रहा है, जिसके चलते आए दिन पुरुष आत्महत्या कर रहे हैं और संयुक्त परिवार बिखरते जा रहे हैं. दस वर्षों के एनसीआरबी के आंकड़े खुद बयां कर रहे हैं कि पुरुष महिलाओं की तुलना में दोगुनी संख्या में आत्महत्या कर रहे हैं.

घोषण पत्र जारी करते हुए एनसीएम के अध्यक्ष अमित गुप्ता ने कहा कि यदि उनकी मांगों को नजरअंदाज किया जाता है, तो इसके लिए राजनीतिक पार्टी बनाकर लोकसभा चुनाव 2014 में शामिल होकर पुरुषों के अधिकारों के लिए जनता के बीच आवाज उठाई जाएगी.

उन्होंने कहा कि महिला ही नहीं, पुरुष भी घरेलू हिंसा के शिकार होते हैं, जिसके चलते मौजूदा दौर में लड़ाई-झगड़े के चलते संयुक्त परिवार का बिखराव हो रहा है. इसे बचाने के लिए लोगों को सामने आना चाहिए

'Pani puri or divorce papers a take your pick'

प्रेमिका के परिजनों ने प्रेमी के हाथ-पैर बांधकर जिंदा जलाया

नवभारत टाइम्स | Feb 26, 2014, 06.20PM IST

प्रमुख संवाददाता, इलाहाबाद
गंगापार इलाके के सरायमरेज थाना क्षेत्र के पिलखिनी गांव में एक युवक को उसकी प्रेमिका के परिजनों ने हाथ-पैर बांधकर जिंदा जला दिया। सूत्रों की मानें तो, मृतक युवक की मां चीख-चीखकर बेटे के हत्यारों का नाम ले रही है, लेकिन पुलिस कार्रवाई के बजाए आगजनी का मामला बताकर इस हत्याकांड को दबाने में जुटी है। मृतक युवक की मां अपने बेटे की हत्या के लिए पड़ोस के गांव के कुछ लोगों को जिम्मेदार ठहरा रही है।

सूत्रों के मुताबिक, पिलखिनी गांव की निवासी सरिता देवी के बेटे गोलू (18) को मंगलवार की शाम को हाथ-पैर बांधकर जिंदा जला दिया गया। एक कारखाने में काम करने वाली सरिता जब मंगलवार शाम को घर लौटी तो, बेटे के मौत की जानकारी हुई। सरिता देवी के पति भोला मिश्रा का कुछ अरसा पहले ही निधन हुआ है।
गांव वालों के अनुसार, शाम को अचानक गोलू की चीख सुनाई पड़ने लगी। गांव के लोग जब दौड़े तो पाया कि गोलू आग की लपटों से घिरा था, उसके हाथ-पैर बंधे थे। गांव वाले 100 नंबर पर फोन करते रहे, लेकिन कोई जवाब नहीं मिला। ग्रामीणों ने जब 108 नंबर पर फोन मिलाया तो, कुछ देर बाद ऐंबुलेंस पहुंची। गांव वालों के मुताबिक, गोलू की मां चीख-चीखकर कह रही थी कि उसके बेटे को जलाकर मारा गया है। बताया जा रहा है गोलू की पड़ोस की गांव की एक लड़की से दोस्ती थी। उसी लड़की के घरवालों ने गोलू को घर के भीतर हाथ-पैर बांधकर जिंदा जला दिया। वहीं जिले के एसएसपी उमेश कुमार श्रीवास्तव ने कहा कि इस मामले में अगर कोई दोषी पाया गया तो उसके खिलाफ कड़ी कार्रवाई की जाएगी।

Sunanda death: Mysterious injection mark detected

The report also says Sunanda Pushkar's body had 15 injury marks which were caused 12 hours before her death.

NEW DELHI: Investigators probing the death of Union minister Shashi Tharoor's wife Sunanda Pushkar were baffled by the post-mortem report that said an injection mark was found on her right wrist, DNA reports.

The Daily News & Analysis report suggested that this could have led to Sunanda Pushkar's death.