Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Failing to keep marriage promise earns techie life in jail

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chennai/Failing-to-keep-marriage-promise-earns-techie-life-in-jail/articleshow/31194077.cmsCOIMBATORE: A 27-year-old software engineer, who went back on his promise of marrying a girl with whom he had a sexual relationship, was convicted of rape and sentenced to life imprisonment by a court here on Friday.

R Sam of Sri Ram Nagar near Podanur, and the girl were in love and he had promised to marry her. According to the prosecution, he took the girl to Kodaikanal in 2007 and raped her several times after giving her soft drinks laced with sedatives.

After returning from Kodaikanal, Sam started avoiding the girl and she filed a complaint with police. Police called Sam for an inquiry, following which both the families agreed for marriage, but it did not materialise as the youth had not completed 21 years of age at that time. Stopping short of a formal wedding, they exchanged rings and took photographs.

Later, Sam and his family members started avoiding her. The girl said she was even asked to bring Rs 6 lakh from her house. She then lodged a fresh complaint with an all-women police station and a case of rape was registered against Sam.

Special judge for Mahila court M P Subramanian found Sam guilty on three counts - rape, kidnapping and giving false promise. He was sentenced to life imprisonment and fined Rs 1 lakh, to be paid to the girl as a compensation, for rape. On kidnap charge, the judge sentenced Sam to seven years of rigorous imprisonment besides slapping a fine of Rs 10,000. He was handed down another one-year imprisonment and asked to pay a fine of Rs 5,000 for giving false promise to the girl.

Sam's parents - R Raghunathan (57) and R Salomi (55) - and two friends - M Sivaram (27) and S Kiruba Shankar (26) - were, however, acquitted of all charges. The court also stipulated that if Sam failed to pay Rs 1 lakh to the girl, his family property could be attached.

Sam and the girl were studying at a private matriculation school in Peelamedu when they got to know each other. Later, while she moved to another school for Plus Two, he joined an engineering college on the outskirts of the city. They later fell in love and used to meet often, but their families were against the relationship. When they went to Kodaikanal in 2007, the girl was a first year BA (English literature) student of a private college in Peelamedu.

Public prosecutor R Sarojini demanded severe punishment for Sam given the "grave nature" of the crime. After the verdict was pronounced, Sam was taken to Coimbatore central prison.

Failed love costs professor Rs 22 lakh after 16 years

TNN | Mar 4, 2014, 09.43 AM IST

INDORE: This professor started a love affair with his student, had a physical relationship with her and promised to marry her. And when it came to marrying her, he ran away saying that his family members were not ready. But 16 years after the love affair ended, law has finally caught up with the medico of a premier dental college in Indore.

Banglore high court directed him this week to shell out Rs 22 lakh to the woman as compensation. Dr K V Nanjunda Swamy had an affair with a student he met in a dental college in Sullia (Karnataka) in 1998. The relationship between the professor, who was a lecturer then, and the first year student, went on for five years. However, when they were ready to marry each other in 2002, his family did not agree as they belonged to different castes.

The girl had then filed cases against him for cheating, rape, and caste atrocities. As the case continued, the two married different persons and went their own ways. At present, the girl is a lecturer in a dental college in Bangalore while the Dr Swamy is posted with paediatric and preventive dentistry department of Sri Aurobindo Institute of Dental Sciences since July 2011.

Sixteen years after their affair ended, the two have buried their differences on the suggestion of Bangalore high court, and Swamy has agreed to pay the compensation to her.

Earlier, a lower court had acquitted Swamy of charges of rape, terming it a consensual act between two adults. But it found him guilty of breach of promise to marry and sentenced him to one year imprisonment. After this, he approached the HC which stayed the sentence till the case was disposed of. Swamy and the girl had agreed they had an affair, but it was the breach of promise that was the bone of contention. Swamy's advocate produced various letters written by the girl to claim that she had asked him to marry someone else. But in some of the letters, the girl had stated that she wanted to marry him. It was revealed during arguments that the girl's family almost forced him to marry her at a subregistrar's office in Mysore as his family opposed the marriage. But Swamy had managed to run away.

Swamy's advocate argued that since both had married other people, there was no breach of promise. While conceding that their relationship was consensual, the court wanted to ascertain whether Swamy had the intention of ultimately cheating her.


नरेंद्र मोदी पर दर्ज कराया गया घरेलू हिंसा का केस, दोषी करार

भास्कर न्यूज|Mar 02, 2014, 02:35AM IST

पटना. गुजरात के सीएम व भाजपा के प्रधानमंत्री पद के घोषित उम्मीदवार नरेंद्र मोदी पर पटना सिविल कोर्ट में घरेलू हिंसा का मामला दर्ज कराया गया है। उनकी पत्नी यशोदा बेन को उचित दर्जा व सम्मान न देने के खिलाफ वकील गीता श्रीवास्तव ने कोर्ट में शिकायत दर्ज कराई है। प्रथम श्रेणी के न्यायिक दंडाधिकारी इस मामले की सुनवाई करेंगे।
गीता ने घरेलू हिंसा संरक्षण अधिनियम 2005 की धारा 12 के तहत नरेंद्र मोदी को दोषी करार दिया है। उनका कहना है कि यशोदा मोदी की पत्नी हैं। वे 62 वर्ष की हैं। शिक्षक पद से रिटायर करने के बाद वे एक कमरे के मकान में रहती हैं। जीवन बसर के लिए सरकारी पेंशन ही सहारा है।
मोदी के स्टेटस के हिसाब से यह कम है। कोर्ट से नोटिस जारी करने का अनुरोध किया है कि यशोदा बेन को पत्नी का दर्जा दें। गरिमा के अनुकूल उनके लिए निवास की व्यवस्था करने का भी आदेश जारी करने का कोर्ट से अनुरोध किया गया है।

पत्नी-पीड़ित भी चुनाव मैदान में कूदने को तैयार!

 सोमवार, 3 मार्च, 2014 को 10:00 IST तक के समाचार
देश भर में इन दिनों चुनावी सरगर्मी तेज़ी से बढ़ रही है. राजनीति में किस्मत आजमाने वाले लोगों की संख्या में तेज़ी आई है और देश भर में कई समूह राजनीतिक दलों से अपनी-अपनी मांग को लेकर भरोसा चाहते हैं.
ऐसे में उत्तर प्रदेश के कानुपर में अपनी पत्नियों से पीड़ित पुरुषों का समूह भी राजनीतिक दलों से अपनी समस्या का हल चाहता है.
यह समूह हर शनिवार को कानपुर के कौशिक पार्क में क़रीब तीन बजे जमा होता है. इस समूह का ना तो आयुवर्ग समान है, ना ही पारिवारिक पृष्ठभूमि और ना ही आर्थिक हैसियत. लेकिन सबके सब पत्नी द्वारा लगाए गए दहेज मांगने या उत्पीड़न करने का मुकदमा लड़ रहे हैं.
इन पीड़ित पतियों को एक छत के नीचे लाने और उनकी आवाज़ को बुलंद करने का ज़िम्मा उठाया है दामन वेलफेयर सोसाइटी नामक एक संस्था ने.

चुनाव की तैयारी

चुनाव को नजदीक देख ये समूह चुनाव मैदान में उतरने की सोच रहा है. संस्था को चलाने वाले अनुपम दुबे ने बीबीसी से कहा, "राजनीतिक पार्टियों से हमारी मांग है की हमारी बातें सुनी जाएँ. पुरुषों पर अत्याचार बंद हो. अगर ऐसा नहीं होता है तो सभी पत्नी पीड़ित पुरुष एक साथ मिलकर आने वाले चुनाव में कूद पड़ेंगे."
उनके चुनाव लड़ने से क्या होगा, इस सवाल से अनुपम निराश नहीं होते हैं, वह बताते हैं, "पीड़ित पुरुषों की संख्या बढ़ती जा रही है. उनसे जुड़े कई और व्यक्ति भी पीड़ित होते हैं. हम भी एक वोट बैंक हैं. अगर राजनीतिक दल हमारी बात नहीं सुनते तो हम भी चुनाव लड़ेंगे. हम यह दावा नहीं करते की हम 50 या 100 सीट जीत लेंगे. पर अगर हमारा कोई प्रत्याशी 50, 000 वोट पाता है तो लोगों को यह पता तो चलेगा की हमारी भी संख्या बड़ी है."
दामन वेलफेयर सोसाइटी चाहता है की जो पार्टी केंद्र में सरकार बनाए वह एक पुरुष मंत्रालय और एक पुरुष आयोग का गठन करे.
इस संस्था की शुरुआत दो साल पहले हुई थी और इसकी मांग है कि महिला हित या उत्थान के नाम पर पुरुषों का उत्पीड़न बंद हो और किसी भी क़ानून का दुरुपयोग न हो. संस्था का दावा है की वह पत्नी पीड़ित पुरूषों को सलाह दे रहा है और कानूनी मदद कर रहा है.

पुरुष मंत्रालय की मांग

अनुपम दुबे ने कहा, "जो भी क़ानून हैं या बनाए जा रहे हैं, वह लिंग भेद से ऊपर होने चाहिए."
38 साल के अनुपम दुबे ने अपने को पत्नी पीड़ित पति बताते हुए कहा, "मेरी शादी 2004 में हुई थी. 2007 में मेरी पत्नी ने मेरे ऊपर दहेज़ मांगने का आरोप कानपुर के किदवई नगर थाने में दर्ज करवाया. पुलिस ने मुझे निर्दोष पाया. मेरी पत्नी ने 2008 में उन्ही धाराओं के तहत फिर से कानपुर के रायपुरवा थाने में केस लिखवाया. मामला अदालत में था कि उसी साल उसने कानपुर के बिठूर थाने में फिर एक और केस उन्ही धाराओं के तहत दर्ज किया."
अनुपम सॉफ्टवेयर कंसलटेंट थे, लेकिन महीने में 20 दिन अदालतों के चक्कर काटने के चक्कर में उन्हें नौकरी छोड़नी पड़ी.
उनका दावा है कि वह क़रीब 200 पत्नी पीड़ितों की मदद कर रहे हैं.
कई वर्षों से महिला अधिकारों के लिए लड़ने वालीं नीलम चतुर्वेदी कहतीं हैं, "भारत एक पुरुष प्रधान देश रहा है इसलिए अब महिला-प्रधान क़ानून होने चाहिए और बन रहे हैं. पर अगर पुरुषों को लग रहा है की एक पुरुष मंत्रालय या पुरुष आयोग हो तो वह ठीक है."

'पुरुष भी हैं प्रताड़ित'

(अनुपम दुबे करीब 200 पत्नी पीड़ितों की मदद का दावा करते हैं.)
नीलम चतुर्वेदी ने बताया कि पुरुष भी प्रताड़ित होते हैं पर उनकी संख्या बहुत ही कम है.
कानपुर के पीपीएन कॉलेज के समाज शास्त्र विभाग के अध्यक्ष तेज बहादुर सिंह कहतें हैं, "आने वाले दिनों में पीड़ित पुरुषों की संख्या बढ़ेगी क्योंकि महिलाओं का सशक्तिकरण हो रहा है. बात महिला या पुरुष या स्वर्ण या दलित की नहीं है. जिसके पास ताक़त होती है वह दूसरे का शोषण करता है. यह समाज शास्त्र कहता है. आज महिलाओं के पास ताक़त है और ताक़त बढ़ रही है. तो पुरुषों को लगेगा की उनका शोषण हो रहा है."
हालांकि तेज बहादुर कहते हैं कि पीड़ित पुरुष भी समाज का अंग हैं और उनकी बातों को सुना जाना चाहिए.
कानपुर में पिछले 25 सालों से एक अंग्रेज़ी दैनिक में काम कर रहे सिसिल लूथर कहते हैं कि यह बात तो सही है मीडिया भी पुरुषों के ख़िलाफ़ हो रहे उत्पीड़न पर ध्यान नहीं देता.

लूथर कहते हैं, " किसी महिला के उत्पीड़न की ख़बर सुर्ख़ियां बनती हैं पर पुरुष पर अत्याचार होता है तो उसे कोई भी प्रेस उसे अहमियत नहीं देता."

False molestation allegation stalks Kolkata executive

KOLKATA: If you are a pedestrian or use the public transport system, beware of gangs that trap innocent people as molesters and extort money from them.

Close on the heels of TOI exposing how a group of women was active in the Dalhousie and Esplanade areas, it was the turn of a corporate executive working at Park Street who was recently threatened with "dire consequences" by a woman if he did not "comply and pay up". This is the fourth such incident in a span of two-and-a-half months that has come to the notice of the administration.

According to this financial firm executive - who refused to be named - he had parked his car in the Park Street area near the Apeejay House and attended office. When he came back in the evening around 7.30pm, he unlocked his vehicle. As he was getting inside, a woman pushed herself in and demanded huge money so as not to implicate him. According to sources, it was only after the victim arrived at a "settlement" offering her some money that the accused relented and got off the car.

The incident was reported last Monday. The victim, though, is yet to decide if he will approach police. However, he has informed his seniors in the office who are in touch "with relevant authorities.

Such incidents have been reported over the past few months but no one had dared go to police until the all-lady gang targeted a lawyer Asim Kumar Maity in December, without realizing his wife was with him or that there were legal clerks around as witnesses. It was Maity's presence of mind along with that of his wife that ultimately alerted the accused who then made a hasty retreat.

Sources said that this gang was operating at several locations in the city. "They carry out a detailed study of the victims before targeting them," said sources. Often, they have associates who play a vital role in drumming up support and warn the main culprits of any approaching danger.


Doctor asked to pay Rs 60,000 per month to two daughters | Business Standard

-based doctor has been directed by a   to pay Rs 60,000 as maintenance per month to his two daughters, who are living with his estranged wife here. 

The court, however, dismissed the plea of his wife, who is also a dentist, seeking alimony from her husband on the ground that she has concealed material facts and is not entitled for any relief at this stage. 

Metropolitan Magistrate Vandana Jain asked the doctor to pay Rs 30,000 maintenance per month to each of his two daughters, aged six years and 11 years respectively, while dismissing his plea that he was not liable to maintain them as they refused to stay with him. 

"As far as the children are concerned, it is a settled proposition of  that the children are entitled to get maintenance from both the parents. The plea of the counsel for the respondent (man) that since the children have denied to remain in his custody, he is not entitled to maintain them, cannot be entertained and this is a misconception. 

"The respondent being the father is liable to maintain both the daughters. As far as the complainant (woman) is concerned, she is maintaining them. She is taking care of them alone as they are in her custody," the court said. 

The man and the woman had met each other during their college days, fell in love and got married in 2000. 

The woman, who along with their daughters is living in Delhi, had moved the court seeking maintenance for them from her estranged husband on the ground that he used to harass and treat her cruelly due to which she left his company. 

She alleged that he was earning three-four lakhs per month while he had not allowed her to continue her medical practice after marriage. 

She had alleged that the man was has his own dispensary and was working as a professor in a medical college in Punjab and was earning money from other movable and immovable assets. 

The man, however, claimed that he was earning only Rs 50,000 per month and refuted the allegation that he stopped his wife from continuing her profession after marriage.

Doctor asked to pay Rs 60,000 per month to two daughters | Business Standard

Father natural guardian of minor son in absence of mother: Bombay High Court

Monday, 3 March 2014 - 6:00am IST | Place: Mumbai | Agency: DNA


In the absence of mother, the father becomes the natural guardian of the minor boy, ruled the Bombay High Court recently while handing over a child's custody to his father, who was acquitted of killing his wife (the boy's mother).
A division bench of justices PV Hardas and Ajey Gadkari pronounced the judgement on a habeas corpus (produce person in court) petition filed by Satara resident Amol Pawar after his father-in-law refused to let the boy stay with him.
Pawar married Ramesh Dhotre's daughter in November 2010. Within two years of marriage, Pawar's wife died of burn injuries.
The police arrested Pawar for alleged cruelty and murder under provisions of the Indian Penal Code. After his arrest, the minor son was being looked after by Dhotre, who resides in Baramati.
In April 2013, the sessions court at Satara acquitted Pawar of all charges following which Pawar approached Dhotre seeking custody of his son. However, Dhotre didn't allow Pawar to take the child with him.
Pawar then filed a habeas corpus petition in HC through advocate Vaibhav Gaikwad. Pawar's advocate argued that the state government had not filed an appeal against Pawar's acquittal. And as natural guardian he was entitled to the child's custody.
Dhotre opposed the petition claiming that he had challenged Pawar's acquittal and the appeal was pending. His advocate Manjari Parasnis, argued that Pawar had re-married and his second wife had deserted him and hence there was no one to look after the child.
Also, the child is being well looked after and his welfare is of paramount importance while deciding on granting custody, argued Parasnis.
The judges, however, granted the child's custody to the father. The bench observed: "Since the petitioner has been acquitted and the petitioner is the natural guardian of the minor child, the petitioner cannot be deprived of obtaining the custody of his minor child."
Asking the grandfather to hand over the custody, the judges noted that he had alternate remedy under the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act for claiming the child's custody.
The HC observed, "The question as to whether the welfare of the minor would warrant the handing over the custody of the minor to any other person is a question which can only be decided after the evidence of the parties is recorded and certainly not in this petition."

VP of Gurgaon firm stabs wife to death

GURGAON: A senior executive with a consultancy firm murdered his wife, stabbing her 18 times in their Gurgaon home on Sunday morning, after an argument over her alleged infidelity spiralled out of control. He then called up the police and surrendered.

Rajnish Kumar Singh, 44, an IIM-Ahmedabad alumnus and vice president with Shared Reach consultancy firm in Gurgaon, used a kitchen knife to stab his wife in the stomach, chest and back. The victim, Shweta Bindra, 36, ran a play school in DLF Phase IV. The couple had been married for nine years.

Two of the couple's three children — a daughter, 7, and an 11-month-old son — were sleeping at the time in their house at Parsvanath Green Ville. A five-year-old daughter was at a relative's house.

Singh told police that the argument "went out of control". After the stabbing, he called up his parents and then informed the cops. Shweta was dead when the police reached the house.

Badshahpur police reached the spot and arrested the accused. "We got a call from the police control room around 10.43am, after the accused had called them about the murder. We took the body in custody and recovered the knife used in the murder. An FIR has been lodged and we are questioning the accused. He will be produced in a city court on Monday", said inspector Jitendra Rana, SHO, Badshahpur police station. The body was later sent to civil hospital for post-mortem.

"The accused claims that his wife had an illicit relationship with a person living in the neighbourhood who works in her daughter's school. We are questioning him and will verify his claim. He is an alumnus of IIM-Ahmedabad, 1995 batch. The victim hails from Himachal Pradesh", said Vivek Sharma, joint commissioner of police, (crime), Gurgaon.

A senior member of the RWA said the couple's flat is on the ground floor of C block. The victim was last seen around 7.30am, when she came out to buy milk. After sometime, the guard and other residents heard noises and sound of children crying. By the time residents reached the flat, the accused had called the police. "The family lived in a rented accommodation and rarely interacted with the neighbours. Not many people knew them," he added.

The consultancy firm where the accused is employed was founded in 2009 and runs out of Sikandarpur in Gurgaon. It's a a new age audit and analytics company providing real-time insights to retail brands.

A senior executive with a consultancy firm murdered his wife, stabbing her 18 times in their Gurgaon home on Sunday.

Man kills wife's brother-in-law, suspecting affair

TNN | Mar 3, 2014, 04.19AM IST

BANGALORE: Two men married to sisters and partying in the absence of their wives fought bitterly, with one of them allegedly killing the other in Yelachenahalli, off Kanakapura Road, south Bangalore, on Saturday.

Police said Raghavendra Rao, 35, was arrested for killing his wife's brother-in-law, 45-year-old electrician Shankar Rao, a resident of Ganigarapalya near Rajarajeshwari nagar. Raghavendra suspected Shankar was having an affair with his wife.

Shankar had gone to his sister-in-law's house in Yelachenahalli on Saturday. The woman was not at home but her husband offered to buy Shankar a drink. After downing a few pegs, the men began arguing. Soon the argument got ugly and Raghavendra hit Shankar on his head using a wood plank, killing him on the spot.


Annoyed wife locks husband in house

TNN | Mar 2, 2014, 06.22AM IST

AJMER: A woman locked her husband in the house when he complained that she visited her parents very often. The husband appealed to her for hours to free him. Finally, he called the superintendent of police on his mobile. The police force reached the house and freed the husband. The husband was terrified and he refused to file a complaint against his wife.

Rajesh Shirvastava, a 40-year-old man living in Sawargi Mohalla in the market area was married to Chaya three years ago. Chaya belongs to Somalpur, which is 15 kms from Ajmer. There was no dispute between the couple.

The dispute began when Chaya wanted to visit her parents but Rajesh refused as he did not want to be left alone. However, Chaya began visiting her parents who live in Somalpur. Angry with the attitude of his wife, Rajesh started complaining.

The relationship strained between the couple and he alleged that his parents-in-law wanted to separated them and wanted Chaya to get married again. Four days ago, the dispute took an ugly turn and Chaya left the house with her belongings.

Rajesh did not call her and on Friday evening when Chaya came with her parents to Sawargi Mohalla to settle the issue Rajesh refused to open the main gate. Rajesh said, "I was terrified as there were several people with my wife and I assumed they had come to beat me," added Rajesh.

Annoyed with Rajesh's attitude, Chaya locked the house from outside and left with her relatives. Chaya said, "I was there for about an hour but he did not want to listen to me. So to teach him a lesson I locked him in the house."

After a few hours Rajesh made a call to SP Praful Kumar. "We got the message from control room and rushed to the spot and broke the lock of the main gate," said Kanaram, ASI of Ganj police station. He added that Rajesh has not made any complaint in this matter.


Man 'kills' ex-wife's hubby, held

MALDA: A man was on Friday shot dead in a Malda village, allegedly by his wife's ex-husband who wanted to avenge the humiliation he suffered when the woman left him four years back. The accused has been arrested.

Saifuddin Sheikh, 35, a brick kiln worker of Dumuria village under Harishchandrapur police station, had an affair with Doli Biwi, wife of Ruhul Sheikh. Around four years ago, Saifuddin eloped with Doli and started living together in Alampur under Gazole police station. The couple has a son and a daughter.

On Friday evening, Saifuddin got a phone call from someone who apparently offered to buy his land in the village. Saifuddin went to Harishchandrapur around 7pm. As soon after he entered the village, he was mobbed and shot in the head from close range. Saifuddin died on the spot.

His relative Md Koyesh alleged that the plot was hatched by Ruhul to avenge his humiliation four years back.

"Ruhul has been arrested on the basis of a complaint lodged by Saifuddin's relatives," said Babin Mukherjee, inspector in charge of Harishchandrapur police station.


RAW official found dead with wife, two kids in Delhi's Sadiq Nagar

PTI  New Delhi, March 1, 2014 | UPDATED 22:30 IST
A 52-year-old RAW official was on Saturday found hanging in his official residence in South Delhi's Sadiq Nagar while the bodies of his wife and two children, bearing blunt injury marks were spotted in separate rooms of the house.

Ananya Chakravarty (52), who was an inspector in Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) and was posted as a field officer in the Cabinet Secretariat, was found hanging from a fan while the bodies of his wife Jaishri, son Arnab (17) and daughter Disha (12) bearing blunt injury marks were found in the house which was bolted from inside, police said.

The family, which lived on the second floor of the Type 3 government quarter in Sector IV of Sadiq Nagar area, was last seen on Friday.

"The incident came to light when their maid reached their residence at around 3:30 PM and the door was not opened even after she rang the bell several times. She went down and called the guard whose calls too went unanswered. He then informed the neighbours following which the police was informed," a police official said.
Police got a call around 3:47 pm following which a team was rushed to the spot.

"The police team broke open the door and found Chakravarty hanging from a ceiling fan in the drawing room.

Bodies of Jaishri and Disha were found in an adjacent bedroom while Arnab's body was found in another room. There were blood stains all over the house and the bodies bore blunt injury marks," the official said.

Police said that the incident might have taken place on Friday evening but that could be ascertained only after a post-mortem report which would reveal the time and cause of death.

Investigators have recovered a blood stained hammer from the house which they suspect was used to kill Jaishri and the two children.

No suicide note has been found in the house. There was no sign of a forced entry in the house, it was closed from inside, police said.

"Prima facie it seems that Chakravarty first killed his family and then committed suicide. We are investigating the case and the exact cause is yet to be ascertained," police said.

Chakravarty hailed from West Bengal and had been living in the house since the last couple of years. His wife Jaisri was a teacher in a government school, Arnab was a student of class 11 while Disha studied in class 7.

The bodies were moved to AIIMS for post-mortem. Police have questioned the maid, the guard and the neighbours in this connection.
As the area was inhabited by senior government officials, interaction among them was occasional.

Man kills wife suspecting her fidelity, attempts suicide

Kumar woke up in the middle of the night and hacked his wife with the sickle used to cut coconuts before locking himself in a room and setting himself ablaze.

Wife, 'lover' held for Panvel man murder

TNN | Mar 1, 2014, 12.13AM IST

NAVI MUMBAI: The murder of 32-year-old man, Nilesh Das, whose body was found near the railway tracks in Panvel, has now been detected with the arrests of his wife and her paramour.

Police sources informed that Das' wife, Karuna (28), and one Tousif Jehangir Ali Khan (25) have been nabbed for hatching the devious plot of eliminating the man.

Karuna was reportedly having an illicit relation with Khan and so the duo decided to kill Das.

The victim's body was found by the railway police on the morning of February 26. The case was transferred to Panvel City police station.

The accused had tried to make the death look like a suicide or an accident. However, since the body had deep injuries on the neck and hands due to a sharp weapon, a case of murder was lodged.

After further inquiries with the family members of Das, police found a few discrepancies in the statements given by the victim's wife. She had told her in-laws that she is searching for her missing husband by putting up his photographs on local autorickshaws. However, when the cops quizzed her as to which autos she had pasted the photos of Das, she was unable to give a proper answer.

Police soon got to know that Karuna and Khan were having an affair. The duo eventually confessed that on the night of February 25, Khan had forced Das to drink alcohol in Panvel.

Khan and Das were friends as they worked as construction workers. After Das became inebriated, Das fatally assaulted him with a chopper. He then called Karuna to the spot in order to put the body in a plastic sack.

At around 4 am on February 26, they dumped the body near the railway tracks, in a feeble attempt to make it look like an accident.

Further police investigation is on to find out if any third person is involved in the murder.


Delhi Court: Treat marital rape victims equal to other sexual abuse

New Delhi: A victim of marital sexual abuse cannot be discriminated against only because she is the wife of the offender and has to be treated as any other rape victim, a Delhi court has observed while denying bail to a man accused of sodomising his pregnant wife. Representational Image. AFP. The court said though the legislature is yet to take a "serious note" of rampant cases of marital sexual abuse which the women in the country suffer silently, it does not mean that "a battered wife, who has been sexually abused, and has invoked the legal system, is not entitled to any State assistance which is already available to other victims." 

Additional Sessions Judge Kamini Lau directed the Delhi government to take responsibility and take care of the woman, a resident of Keshav Puram, who has lodged a case against her husband for allegedly forcing her to establish sexual relations with him, against the order of the nature after consuming alcohol even when she was pregnant. "She is the responsibility of the State and is required to be taken care of just as any other victim of aggravated sexual assault and abuse and the State cannot abdicate its responsibility and she cannot be discriminated only because she happens to be the wife of the sexual aggressor," the court said. 

While refusing to grant bail to the man, the court noted that the extent of his mental perversity was demonstrated from the fact that he did not even spare his nine-year-old son, and polluted the mind of the child by boasting to him about the manner in which he used to make sexual relations against the order of nature with the victim. "How can such a person be treated with leniency and that too when his wife who has suffered this torture for last more than nine years, is in an advance stage of pregnancy?" the court said. "Allegations made against him are serious. 

At this stage, his release is neither advisable nor warranted. Merely because the victim now wants the accused to be out does not mean that the court is obligated to oblige. The application for grant of bail is hereby dismissed," the judge added. During the hearing on bail, the woman had come to the court pleading that her husband should be released as she was in a state of destitution, being totally dependent on him, and that there was nobody to look after her. 

However, the court, said that the woman presence despite her advanced stage of pregnancy along with the advocate for the accused showed that she was under extreme pressure of her in-laws with whom she was staying. It also pulled up the police for invoking Section 498A (husband or his relative subjecting woman to cruelty) of the Indian Penal Code on the man even though there were specific allegations that he used to harass and mistreat her since the time they got married. The court also expressed displeasure over the manner in which the Deputy Commissioner of Police (north west Delhi) was showing "total lack of concern regarding court cases".

 "The sensitivity and required departmental response is totally lacking. Not only have the provisions of law not being suitably invoked but the manner in which the investigating agency has proceeded with the investigation thereafter is highly shocking... Needless to day, the investigation so far has been seriously lacking and highly non-professional and there is every possibility that this non serious approach is solely on account of the fact that the accused in the present case is the husband of the victim," it said. The court directed the Joint Commissioner of Police (Range) to intervene and ensure that an inquiry relating to psychological assessment and financial destitution of the victim is conducted, and sent a copy of its order to the Commissioner of Police for information and appropriate action.

Read more at: http://www.firstpost.com/india/delhi-court-treat-marital-rape-equal-to-other-sexual-abuse-victims-1418539.html?utm_source=ref_article

Binding ‘pre-nup' law for couples proposed

, TNN | Mar 1, 2014, 03.20AM IST

LONDON: Britain may soon make it legal for couples in England and Wales to agree to the terms of a divorce before tying the knot. 

The Law Commission has recommended to the government that making pre- and post-nuptial agreements legally binding will make it easier for couples to split amicably. The commission which advises the government has also prepared Nuptial Agreements Bill, which would introduce qualifying nuptial agreements and has asked the government to make this a binding law. 

Pre-nups are legal in the US, Australia and many European countries. The recommendations come in the face of a growing number of divorces in England and Wales. Around 42% of all marriages in UK are now expected to end in divorce. Data revealed by the British government's official stats agency recently shows that England and Wales saw a divorce every five minutes in 2012. 

Relationships crumbled in the aftermath of the recession with almost half of these divorces in the first 10 years of marriage. Around 13 divorces took place every hour in 2012.
In 2012 the number of couples divorcing increased to 118,140, up from 117,558 the previous year. 

The law gives the courts a wide discretion to make appropriate financial orders when marriages are dissolved. An important element of those awards is meeting both parties' "financial needs". 

The Commission says: "Introduce qualifying nuptial agreements, enforceable contracts, which would enable couples to make binding arrangements for the financial consequences of divorce or dissolution" 

It adds: "The agreement must be contractually valid (and so for instance not be entered into under duress), must be made by deed and contain a statement confirming that the parties understand its effect, must not be made within 28 days of the marriage/civil partnership and must have a financial disclosure". 

Professor Elizabeth Cooke, law commissioner for property, family and trust law said: "Pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements have become more commonplace in England and Wales. However, they cannot be enforced as contracts and they cannot take away the courts'powers to make orders. The only way to achieve legal finality is to ask the court to make orders that reflect the terms of the agreement; and the Supreme Court has said that this should be done unless the agreement is unfair." 

"Our recommendations would give couples autonomy and control, and make the financial outcome of separation more predictable. We have built in safeguards to ensure that they cannot be used to impose hardship on either party, nor to escape responsibility for children or to burden the state".